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white rose muses.
empowering marginalized teens
our goal
The White Rose Muse's goal is to give marginalised voices a platform to share their voices. In this day and age, we live in an era of media that influences our lives, and the people we see and read about might not represent who we are. White Rose Muses is dedicated to giving a platform that can do so. So we can see and read about people who can represent who we are.
issue 01
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Elisabeth D / Nathan Lai / Claudia Wysocky / Blanka Pillar / A, Deshmane / Leia Stea / Bhavagna / Tasbhiha Naji / Joana DS / Nepthys Shaivoey / Dimana / S.K. Sanjana / Michelle Sanjana / J. Dedalus / Noelle K.
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