
Expresso Shots!
A podcast dedicated to educating people about topics towards marginalised communities and how it affects them through audio messages.
PRODUCER: Abigail HOSTS: Ben, Caitlyn
WRITERS: Louis M., Ben

Dear Aphrodite
A joint submission with Vellichor!
Dear Aphrodite is a fully anonymous submission where you get to send letters to someone who seems almost perfect - someone you're comparing yourself to. Send your love letters, and rants, because from here on out you are incognito. So tell us; who is your Aphrodite?

The Mind
A joint submission with Limerance Magazine!
In the midst of mental health month, we want your submissions -- about your failings and feelings, to show the world what mental health can look like and mean to marginalized teenagers representing YOU.

Issue 01
Our debut issue!
White Rose Muses, a bimonthly literary and arts magazine, is an eloquent tapestry of, poetry, and visual artistry. White Rose Muses is a beacon for those who want to immerse themselves in the ever-evolving landscape of literary and artistic expression.